
Photo: Galit Kosovsky

'Israeli went on shopping spree with Saudi hacker's help'

Police arrest 15-year-old Jerusalem resident who allegedly purchased electronic goods with stolen credit card details provided to him by the notorious OxOmar

Jerusalem Police arrested on Tuesday a 15-year-old local on suspicion that he used stolen credit card details provided by Saudi hacker OxOmar to purchase goods worth tens of thousands of shekels, Ynet reported.


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The investigation found that the teenager contacted the hacker online and asked him for the details of credit cards belonging to Israelis. The hacker obliged and sent him the details of four credit cards.


Police say the boy used two of the cards to purchase electronic equipment and other goods which he had ordered online.


The suspect collected the goods at a post office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul neighborhood, according to police.


Police launched the investigation following a complaint lodged by credit card companies, and found some of the merchandise during a search of the boy's home. Investigators said he sold the remaining products.


The boy's mother was also arrested. Police believe she may have been involved in some of the purchases.


The boy's attorney said before a court hearing on the extension of his remand that "he did not know he was communicating with the Saudi hacker – it happened randomly."


Police said the boy admitted he had purchased goods with the stolen credit card details and that he also purchased vacation packages in Israel and abroad.



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