IDF shoots down Houthi attack drone after missile intercepted

Military says drone downed outside Israel airspace hours after Houthis launch a missile at central Israel including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem areas; at least 12 people hurt running for cover

The IDF shot down a Houthi attack drone on Friday, hours after a missile launched in Yemen at central Israel including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, was intercepted by aerial defenses.
Earlier sirens blared across central Israel from the Sharon Plains, through the Metropolitan Tel Aviv area, the Central Plains, the metropolitan Jerusalem area and parts of the West Bank, sending millions into shelters in the pre-dawn hours.
"A missile that was launched from Yemen and crossed into Israeli territory was intercepted. A report was received regarding shrapnel from the interception that fell in the area of Modi'in in central Israel. The details are under review," the military said in a statement.
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Sirens across Israel in Houthi missile attack on Friday
Sirens across Israel in Houthi missile attack on Friday
Sirens across Israel in Houthi missile attack on Friday
(Photo: Telegram)
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ניסיונות יירוט של הטיל מתימן שתועדו ברמת גן
ניסיונות יירוט של הטיל מתימן שתועדו ברמת גן
Houthi missile intercepted over Tel Aviv metropolitan area on Friday
(Photo: Shai Naji)
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Houthi missile targets central Israel and is intercepted by IDF defenses

Emergency services reported that at least 12 people were injured as they rushed to seek shelter.
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