Footage from the unique event in Jerusalem
(Video: Dor Pazaelo)
Some 800 Levites gathered on Monday at the southern wall adjacent to the Western Wall to sing a joint rendition of selected chapters from the book of Psalms that were traditionally sung during Sukkot, at the time of the Second Temple.
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This unique restoration by descendants of the Levite tribe of ancient Israel took place for the second consecutive year in an initiative led by the Company for the Reconstruction and Development of the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, in cooperation with the Jerusalem Municipality and with support from the Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Ministry.
The choice was divided into groups according to their vocal range and stood on the historic steps which served as the entrance to the Temple Mount some 2,000 years ago. Those are located in the Jerusalem Archaeological Park at the foot of the holy site.
"We had the privilege of renewing the singing of the Levites in an emotional ceremony near the site of the Second Temple. The ceremony opened our hearts and reminded us of our past," Herzl Ben-Ari, CEO of the Jewish Quarter Reconstruction and Development Company, said.