Attack in Alexandria, Egypt
A special plane from the Israeli Air Force was expected to take off on Sunday evening to Egypt, and land at the airport in Alexandria. The plane will bring back to Israel the Israeli tourists who were present at the terror attack this morning – as well as the bodies of the two who were murdered. In addition, the Israeli tourist who was moderately injured in the attack and operated on in an Egyptian hospital will arrive in Israel.
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A group of 17 Israeli tourists was attacked in Alexandria on Sunday morning. They arrived for a tour at the archaeological site Pompey's Pillar when, without any warning or apparent reason, an Egyptian policeman stationed at the site opened fire on them. He murdered two Israelis as well as the group's Egyptian guide, and moderately wounded another Israeli.
Following the terror attack, the tourists called their relatives in Israel, who connected them with the Foreign Ministry's situation room. The staff of the Israeli Embassy in Cairo contacted the Egyptian National Security Service and provided details of the exact location of the Israeli group. The National Security Service in Egypt quickly located the Israelis and provided them with help. The wounded Israeli was taken straight to the hospital, where he underwent surgery. The rest of the group members were also taken to the hospital, to receive comprehensive protection from police.
An Israeli official said that Egypt fulfilled all of Israel's requests following the attack in Alexandria and, subsequently, the Egyptians agreed that an Israeli Air Force plane would return the group to Israel. In coordination between the IDF and the Egyptian army, it was agreed that the plane would land in Alexandria and bring all the Israelis home.
Officials in Israel estimate that there is a connection between the terror attack Sunday morning and the terrorist attack that took place in June, when an Egyptian police officer shot dead three IDF soldiers on the border between the countries. An official referred to the shooting attack carried out by the Egyptian policeman who opened fire on IDF soldiers at the border and said: "In the Egyptian media they called him a martyr and a hero, which explains why it happened again. It's hard not to connect the events."
According to the same official, the security forces in Egypt claimed that the shooting attack was a "mistake" and sent condolences to both sides. In addition, he referred to the connection between the terror attack and the surprise attack by Hamas.
"It cannot be denied that there are commentators on Egyptian social networks and media who explain that Hamas did the right thing on Saturday, that it was resistance to the occupation, and was a right and important action. Now the Egyptian commentators at most condemn the treatment to captive citizens. It is too little and too late," said the official.