JERUSALEM - In a surprise move, Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quit his post and appeared before the cameras to explain himself.
According to Netanyahu, "For months I have been torn. On the one hand, I adamantly opposed unilateral withdrawal, and I also see the predictions I warned about taken place. Gaza is become a center and base for Islamic terror."
Hamas, he said, is getting strong and taking credit for what is seen as an Israeli flight.
"I know nothing will help, Sharon has an automatic majority, both in the Knesset and in the government who oppose the principles on which they were elected. This is not the government I entered. This is a different government," he said.
“I tell myself, ‘what can you do,’ you can reduce danger here, you can lessen security risks, but on a larger scale you cannot change it," he said. “I can express my opinion, but I think that there is nothing for me to do in the government, and it seems I used up my influence.”
‘Moment of truth has arrived’
“Of course, at the same time I have responsibilities as the Finance Minister,” Netanyahu explained. “We took an economy that was on the verge of collapse and with great effort turned it into a developing and prosperous economy, and if we maintain this growth it could reach all aspects of society.”
He added that, “ the fundamental tool for growth is the large reforms we have implemented, the unprecedented historical reforms.”
Netanyahu said the moment of truth has arrived, following the completion of the more central reforms.
“At this moment of truth man must ask himself, especially a leader, what is he doing, what is he representing, what is he fighting for?” he said. “I implemented the reforms, and now I am acting the way I intend to do so from now on, according to my conscience”
“I understand the desire to leave Gaza. Don’t be surprised; I am a partner to it. I also understand the desire for peace, but during the Oslo Accords they also wanted peace - and they received the opposite,” he said.
Netanyahu said he believes the way chosen to achieve peace is set to fail once again.
“In our neighborhood, in the Middle East, there is a way to achieve peace - but not through these means. It has already failed and it is about to fail once again,” he said.