Jay Leno just can’t catch a break!
Two years after a fiery accident left him with serious burns, the famed host and comedian took another tumble. This time, he rolled down a hill near his hotel, injuring his face again.
“I was staying at a hotel … on a hill,” he told TMZ. “I said, ‘Where’s a good place to eat?’ ‘Oh, the bottom.’ The restaurant was there, but to get to it, I didn’t have a car, so I had to walk about a mile and a half around.”
“I said, ‘Well, the hill doesn’t look that steep. It’s about 60, 70 feet. Let me see if I can go down there,'” Leno continued. And then, boom, boom, boom! I rolled down the hill. Hit my head on a rock. Knocked me in my eye.” Leno sported an eye patch over his left eye during the interview.
Jay Leno hosting then-President Barack Obama
Despite the mishap, Leno didn’t miss a beat. He went on to perform his stand-up gig at a Comedy for Koby event in Beverly Hills and only sought medical attention after heading home to Los Angeles. "It’s not that big a deal. It’s all right," he said. "The great thing about this age is you don’t learn by your mistakes. You keep doing the same stupid thing."
This isn’t 74-year-old Leno's first rodeo with injuries. In 2022, he was hospitalized for two weeks after a gasoline flare-up in his garage left him with facial burns. Just a couple of months later, he was involved in a motorcycle accident that broke his collarbone and several other bones.
From 1992 to 2009, Leno was the king of late-night TV, hosting "The Tonight Show," a staple of American television that he took over from the legendary Johnny Carson. In 2009, he passed the torch to Conan O’Brien, but after a year, NBC brought Leno back, sparking controversy and leaving O’Brien less than thrilled. Leno stayed on until Jimmy Fallon took over in 2014.
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