Liri Albag who was released from captivity in Gaza on Saturday captured the attention of Justin Bieber when she appeared wearing a blue sweatshirt branded with the classic smiley-face logo.
Liri's sweatshirt was from the Drew House line launched by Bieber and his partner Ryan Good, in 2019. Good shared Liri's photo on his Instagram page seen by his hundreds of thousands of flowers and recently posted a story of his visit in an IDF base, likely in the past.
"We always envisioned Drew House to be a global symbol of love and joy," Good told the Hollywood reporter. "Those photos of Liri are a genuine representation of that. Those girls, hostages, have been through hell. To see her free and in the arms of her family, after all she's been through, experiencing pure love and joy is poetically beautiful."
Three released IDF lookouts return from Hamas captivity
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Good, is a creative designer, producer and director who gained fame for his work with Bieber, first as the star's stylist and then as a creative partner including in Drew House.