After six years of complex excavations and digging in narrow alleyways, a historic event is set to take place in Jerusalem in the coming weeks with the opening of a new pool in the city.
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However, this is not an ordinary pool. The small 16-meter swimming pool, which will open in the Christian Quarter, is the first in modern history to be built within the walls surrounding Jerusalem’s Old City.
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The swimming pool in Jerusalem's Old City
(Photo: Terra Santa High School - Jerusalem)
The pool was constructed as part of a new sports center at Terra Santa High School, owned by the Christian Franciscan community, and funded by the European Union, the French Development Agency, and the French Embassy in Israel.
"It was a crazy idea that no one believed in," said Father Ibrahim Faltas, the Franciscan school’s principal.
"When I thought of building a swimming pool here, no one thought it was possible. This sports center is very important for the Old City of Jerusalem, especially for its youth, since it will keep them away from abusing alcohol or drugs. Jerusalem and its youth deserve this project," he said.
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Christening the new sports complex in Jerusalem
(Photo: Terra Santa High School - Jerusalem)
There were two main challenges while digging the foundation for the new sports center: the narrow alleyways and the fact that the area needs to be handled very carefully for archeological reasons.
"Anyone who’s visited the Old City knows how impossible it is to build a swimming pool," Faltas said. "We dug about 16 meters below the ground to establish the sports center."
During the excavation, remains of a well and a Byzantine-era church were found, even reaching Jerusalem’s natural bedrock. The center then decided to create a small museum from the findings discovered there, and a large portion of the artifacts were sent to the Israel Antiquities Authorities for further inspection.
In addition to the swimming pool, the sports center is equipped with a sauna, multipurpose rooms and an outdoor sports field.
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Archeological findings in the complex found during its construction
(Photo: Terra Santa High School - Jerusalem)
"The project’s long-term goal is to change the Old City’s mentality. There’s almost nothing for young people to do here in terms of culture and sports,” said Ihab Razzouk, a resident of the Old City and the school’s coordinator.
“It excites me. I never dreamed a pool and a cultural center here would be built here. Our Jewish neighbors are also invited, of course, to swim in the pool,” he added.