Let me tell you how Jews around the world are feeling today

Opinion: We feel Devastated. Broken. Depressed. Hopeless. And at the same time? Unified. Strong. Optimistic. Confident. I promise you, this has a good ending. The sadness won’t disappear. The loss won’t ever be forgotten, but we will win this and this will all end with the Jewish people victorious
Hillel Fuld|
If you care even slightly how Jews around the world are feeling today, I’d love to tell you. How can I speak on behalf of all Jews?
Because I can. That offends you? That’s fine. You don't have to read this.
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Clip from the video released by IDF, blurred due to the nature of the hard-to-watch scenes

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So, this is how we feel. These are only some of the many things that are making us scratch our Jewish heads, some of the things that simply don’t add up.
The biggest one is this: Israel and the Jewish people, on October 7 experienced the most inhumane, barbaric, heart wrenching and savage attack on our people we have ever known. I say ever because even the Nazis were ashamed and hid what they were doing. Hamas-ISIS livestreamed it.
That means that not only did they act like actual real-life monsters but they took pride in murdering babies and decapitating them, raping kids and mothers, murdering Holocaust survivors, and taking almost 250 innocent people hostage.

That, in my book, makes them worse than Nazis

Yes, the Nazis killed more Jews. They had years. There was no IDF. The world sat that one out. Thanks for that, world.
So, we experienced this unparalleled national tragedy and it could not possibly be clearer who the moral side is and who the monstrous side is.
Someone said: “You know how you know which side is right and which side is wrong? Look for the side that rapes women and then drives them around in the back of a pickup truck to show off what they’ve done.”
That should be a good indication.
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סרטון שהופץ לתקשורת הזרה מהטבח הרצחני בעוטף ישראל ב-7.10
סרטון שהופץ לתקשורת הזרה מהטבח הרצחני בעוטף ישראל ב-7.10
Terrorists shooting on Israeli driver
I’m going to make a confession. After October 7th, somewhere deep down, very deep, I felt a sort of relief. I told myself “Finally, FINALLY, the world will see the truth. Finally, they will see what we’ve been seeing and saying for decades. There is no scenario in which the world doesn’t side with Israel now.
And now, here we are just a few weeks later. Lynches being carried out publicly on Jews, Jewish homes being marked (again), signs declaring no Jews allowed, and universities giving students extra credit for attending anti-Israel activities.
This isn’t the world I knew one month ago. How can this be? Where is the logic?!!
Just when we expected the world, the media, the academic world, the liberal world to see the true nature of the Palestinian agenda, just when I had some optimism that the world would come to its senses, they’ve completely lost their collective mind.

It makes no sense!

Secondly, I never thought that in my lifetime, in the Western world, I’d ever see an open call for genocide of Jews. Never in my wildest dreams. But we’re seeing it and we need to stop looking away.
Calling for a global intifada, declaring "From the River to the Sea," proclaiming that Hiter was right, these are literal calls for the murder of Jews. On what planet, in what universe, do you think I, or other Jews, imagined they’d see otherwise intellectual, moral, ethical people side with rape, pedophilia, murder and kidnapping?
Tulane University - Jewish student attacked by pro Palestinian supporters

This just doesn’t add up!
Proportionate response? Give them water? Give them internet? Give them electricity?
Where is the logic here?? In what war ever did anyone demand that one side provide infrastructure to the other side, especially when there is hard evidence that that water and electricity is going to terrorists and not the civilian people themselves?
You can’t make this stuff up.
Israel agreed to let in food and water with one condition, that the trucks be checked for weapons. They let in the trucks and they “forgot” to check? Are you actually kidding me?! How is this logical in any way?!! These are not natural occurrences.

Are there actually no red lines?

We are all watching these protests, that are more like pogroms at this point and we’ve all just shrugged our shoulders. “Oh look, another Jew-hating fest in the streets of London and N.Y. Oh man, that stinks.”
Are we actually insane? How did we accept this! How did those governments accept this? Are there actually no red lines? What has to happen for those governments and for regular people on the streets to stand up to this hate and put an end to it by any means necessary?
Where is the UN? The head of the UN literally publicly justifying what Hamas did by saying it didn’t happen in a vacuum?
How are you not seeing how ludicrous this is?
UN and UNWRA, whose schools are literally being used by Hamas as terror bases, are just sitting there with their fingers in their ears yelling “Lalalalalala I can’t hear you.”

They want one thing: Dead Jews

The tunnels. We know what they are. We’ve all seen them. We know how much they cost to build. The lighting. The plumbing. The cement. Billions! Where did that money come from? We know where. From the world. From the UN. “Humanitarian foreign aid.”
On what planet does it make sense that you give someone billions of dollars for one cause, they use it for another cause, in this case terror, and you’re like “Oh yeah, oh well. Let’s just send them more.” Where on earth is the logic?! How is this a thing that’s happening in real life? You couldn’t even make up this script if you wanted to.
On what planet does it make sense that you give someone billions of dollars for one cause, they use it for another cause, in this case terror, and you’re like “Oh yeah, oh well. Let’s just send them more"
If someone pitched a movie studio the story of Israel and this war, the script would be immediately rejected with the response, “Sorry. This needs to be a little more realistic for people to watch this movie. Go rewrite it.”
In what universe does it make any sense that the west is trying to forcefully apply their western values to radical Islamic terrorists who say, proudly, every chance they get, that they want one thing? Dead Jews.
Someone said this to me yesterday. In our Western mind, we have some basic fundamental beliefs. Treat people well and they’ll treat you well. Everyone wants to live in dignity. People are intrinsically good.
Stop it!!

This isn’t the way they think

You can treat them as well as you want! They want every non-Muslim to either become Muslim or die! Read their damn charters for God’s sake! Listen to their leaders. Why won’t you listen?
No, not all humans want to live in dignity. Some people have other goals, and those goals are what drive them. Stop thinking if you treat Hamas well or even send them money, that they won’t come after you next. Stop lying to yourself.
People are intrinsically good? Yes, most people are. Except those people who have been indoctrinated to be evil from age zero.
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הפגנות פרו-פלסטיניות בניו יורק
הפגנות פרו-פלסטיניות בניו יורק
Pro-Palestinian protest in NYC
(צילום: Ed JONES / AFP)
Do you understand that the West looking at Hamas or ISIS through a Western lens is the equivalent of looking at a spider and wondering how it is that he’s not acting like a snake! They are not the same. They don’t have the same anything. They are not the same!
The West and radical Islam have one thing in common. They both breathe oxygen. That’s basically where our similarities end. Stop expecting them to act like you and I act! They won’t. They never will.
Listen, the inconsistencies here are endless. Genocide? Their population has grown 6x! Apartheid? A country that has literal anti-Israel Arabs in its parliament and Arab Supreme Court judges?
The inconsistencies here are endless. Genocide? Their population has grown 6x! Apartheid? A country that has literal anti-Israel Arabs in its parliament and Arab Supreme Court judges?
Occupation? What occupation? We dug up our dead in Gaza before we left. There was not one Jew there, dead or alive! Yes, we DUG up our dead. You read that right. Why? Because we knew deep down what they’d do if we didn’t. And today we see how right we were.
They want a state? Give them a state. Are you flippin' kidding me? They. Don’t. Want. A. State!
Stop it. How can you keep repeating something when they hear you saying it and think to themselves: “Why do they keep repeating this whole ‘We want a state’ thing? Who wants a state? We had a state. Many times. We don’t want a state. We want no Israel. I mean it’s not like we hide our goals so I’m not sure why the world keeps putting words in my mouth, but ok, whatever floats their boat."

The world we live in is a world of lies

I can go on and on. This whole conflict and especially this war is like a movie with tons of holes in the plot. You finish the movie and start to think about it, and you say to yourself “Wait a second. That actually makes zero sense. Am I the only who noticed that? This whole movie makes no sense.”
So, are we doomed? Do we now live in a world in which hatred of Jews is so powerful that facts don’t matter? We "occupied a Palestinian state?” What Palestinian state? Palestine was Israel! We have coins that say Palestine on them alongside a Star of David!
The fact that the world we live in is a world of lies has no bearing on us, the Jewish people, and our millions of supporters around the world. We still have our moral clarity, our lenses are still clean, and we are able to see the truth, even if others are not
What Arab Palestinian state ever existed? What was the national anthem? Who was the president?
It doesn’t matter if it happened or not, does it? The world says it happened, so it happened.
So are we indeed doomed? No, we are not. And I’ll tell you why.
The fact that the world we live in is a world of lies has no bearing on us, the Jewish people, and our millions of supporters around the world. We still have our moral clarity, our lenses are still clean, and we are able to see the truth, even if others are not.

I lack complete understanding of God and His plans

But on a deeper level, the logical inconsistencies and the moral relativism that the world so loves to apply to this war, to me, those things tell me one thing. If I am going to look at current events through a human lens, I will, indeed lose my mind, and start believing that I am actually clinically insane.
But if I shift focus, and I realize I cannot understand what is happening, because God is in control, and I can’t understand God, to me, this answers all the questions. I am a human being, and I therefore have at least a basic understanding of the human mind.
If I understand the human mind, and I am seeing what is unfolding around the world, then I have to throw my hands up in despair and quit.
But if I realize that, while I understand the human mind, I lack complete understanding of God and His plans, then I am comforted by the thought that, of course, it makes no sense to me, because I don’t understand God‘s ways, and to Him, this is all part of a bigger plan.

How could a father allow this to happen to his kids?

There is a famous story of a rabbi who was on his deathbed. His students came to say goodbye, and gave him a list of questions to ask God when he went up and met Him.
After he died, he appeared to his student in a dream, and told him that he unfortunately would not be able to answer the questions that they asked, because up in heaven the questions weren’t even questions. It’s not that they had answers, the questions themselves made no sense.
I know that it is hard to understand with our finite human brains, but that is exactly the point, we are human, and we can only understand other humans.
Looking at the world today, it is clear that this is not being run by humans, because no human mind can come up with the twisted reality in which we find ourselves. Why God does what He does? Again, I have no clue, we have no clue, we do not have the tools to decipher why God does what He does.
Some people view that as a cop out, I view that as the only possible way to look at the world. The only tool that I have in order to try to understand God‘s ways, and perhaps what is coming next, is history, is the Torah.
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כוחות צה"ל בגבול לבנון
כוחות צה"ל בגבול לבנון
IDF at northern border
I look at the different miracles and stories we have learned our entire lives, and I know how this ends. God watched over us in the desert with the clouds of glory. He accompanied us and held our hand until we reached our destination. He watched over Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, and all the rest of our forefathers and foremothers.
He chose us, He gave us the Torah, He loves us, He is our father, and that I know beyond any shadow of a doubt. How could a father allow this to happen to His kids? I don’t know. I struggle with this question every day.
I don’t know.
But I do know that, throughout our history, we were the victims of endless persecution, and we always, always came out on top. Why we needed persecution in order to come out victorious? I have no clue.
Anyway, I started off by letting you know how Jews feel around the world, and out of all of the things I said above, to me, what I am seeing is, that Jews are strengthening their faith around the world, coming back to their tradition, remembering their heritage, and so many are understanding that God is in our corner.
You, the world, the anti-Israel world, you will go down in history, along with the Nazi sympathizers, and the people who sided with the Jew haters throughout our history, and were wiped off the map and forgotten forever.
How are Jews feeling today? Devastated. Broken. Depressed. Hopeless.
And at the same time? Unified. Strong. Optimistic. Confident.
“Israelis will never forget October 7th. Jews will never forget what came after.”
I know Hashem is here with His clouds of glory again. I know He is marching alongside us into Gaza to do the impossible work we need to do there. I know that God’s version of today’s clouds of glory is the Iron Dome.
Hillel Fuld Hillel Fuld Photo: Courtesy
I am endlessly grateful and proud of the IDF. The IDF is God’s vehicle by which we will win this. God has our back. We are marching into a man-made hell on earth but right behind us is God, and if history teaches us anything, God does NOT look favorably on people or nations that mess with His children.
I promise you, this has a good ending. The sadness won’t disappear. The loss won’t ever be forgotten, but we will win this and this will all end with the Jewish people victorious!
Am Yisrael Chai. Now and forever!
  • Hillel Fuld, named Israel’s top marketer is a global speaker, tech journalist, and online brand ambassador working with companies including Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Intel, Huawei, and more. Google referred to Hillel as a startup guru and Forbes called him “The man transforming Startup Nation to Scale up Nation.” You can read more about Hillel’s work on his site or contact him online at the screen name @Hilzfuld
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