There are two languages. The language of life and the language of death. The first one should be the only existing language but it turns out there are some who prefer using the other one. Those who speak the language of death don’t care for life or for the living. Their language consists of verbs like Murder, Rape, Kidnap, Burn, Decapitate, Slaughter, Terrorize.
We, who speak the language of life, cannot understand them. They can tell themselves and the rest of the world that they stand for certain ideas but their actions speak louder than their fake words. They don’t stand for freedom but for the exact opposite. How can anyone imagine putting freedom and any of those verbs together? The people who use this language are called HAMAS.
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Six weeks ago, on Saturday morning, they launched the most abominable attack on Israel. They spread their language of death everywhere and catapulted an entire nation into an inferno like no other. I repeat. Like no other!
That day their language prevailed. We stood dumbstruck in light of their horrors and could not find the words to cope with them. But since we speak Life fluently we soon enough regained our senses and realized that we can’t swallow our tongues. We have to speak loud and clear.
Don’t endorse the language of death
The language of life demands we put an end to the other language for those two languages cannot coexist. Only those who understand the will to live will rule the day. These days are very hard, practically unbearable. It’s easy to forget about the gift of life when faced with such horrors. But we must remember that all of the lives that have been nipped in the bud were speaking the language of life; That those who are kidnapped are still speaking this language and must be freed as soon as possible.
The language of life should be used for productive use: To educate, to develop, to build, to invest, to prosper, to give people hope, a future. Not to accumulate weapons, build tunnels, plan destruction. Hamas is all about death, meaning no future.

Some of you refuse to look reality in the eye because it undermines certain opinions or views that you hold. You belittle the dimensions of horror we’ve been through. I urge you not to look the other way. Be brave enough, honest enough, human enough, to acknowledge the fact that six weeks ago every line has been crossed, and understand that if it happened here, it can happen everywhere.
Don’t endorse the language of death for it knows no mercy.
Speak Life. Now and forever.
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