U.S. Ambassador meets leading Rabbi to discuss escalation on Temple Mount

Jack Lew meets the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox community's spiritual leader Dov Landau with a message from Biden thanking him for his position opposing Jews entering the volatile shrine   

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jacob Lew made a discreet visit on Monday to the home of Rabbi Dov Landau, the senior spiritual leader of the ultra-Orthodox community’s Lithuanian stream.
During the meeting, the ambassador conveyed a personal message from U.S. President Joe Biden detailing his opposition to Jews ascending the Temple Mount. The ambassador thanked Rabbi Landau for his efforts to calm tensions and prevent security escalations throughout the Middle East.
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הרב לנדו והשגריר לו בפגישתם בבני ברק
הרב לנדו והשגריר לו בפגישתם בבני ברק
U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew and Rabbi Dov Landau
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir's visit to the Temple Mount sparked international controversy in recent weeks. The move, considered forbidden in ultra-Orthodox circles prompted a Haredi newspaper to publish an unusual headline in Arabic condemning the visit, under Rabbi Landau's directive.
Ben-Gvir even suggested in a recent visit to the holy site, that a synagogue should be built in the complex. Those remarks angered many rabbis and Haredi political parties.
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השר לביטחון לאומי איתמר בן גביר ושר הנגב והגליל יצחק וסרלאוף בהר הבית עם ראש מינהלת הר הבית הרב שמשון אלבוים
השר לביטחון לאומי איתמר בן גביר ושר הנגב והגליל יצחק וסרלאוף בהר הבית עם ראש מינהלת הר הבית הרב שמשון אלבוים
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir at the Temple Mount
(Photo: Arnon Segal)
Lew's meeting with the Rabbi was not their first. When the ambassador first arrived, he visited Landau and received his blessing. At the end of the visit on Monday, the rabbi wished the ambassador a happy Jewish New Year ahead of the high holidays.
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